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Simple Monthly Cash Flow Template


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An Excel template with a Simple Monthly Cash Flow Forecast Model and Assumptions sheet, Monthly Excel Model, Return on Investment Calculations, Summary and Graphs.

The file is in Excel format, but you can convert it to Google Sheets using the instructionsย hereย [external link].

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A Simple Monthly Cash Flow Template. The model contains the following Excel sheets:

  • Contents Page
  • Assumptions Page โ€” This page lists the main drivers of growth in costs and revenue. It considers factors affecting monthly income, such as one-off charges, recurring fees, and employee salaries.
  • Cash Flow Model โ€” The cash flow model details factors affecting costs and revenue in each month of the year over 60 months.
  • Summary and Returns โ€” This page summarises the findings of the cash flow model. It presents your total revenue, cash flow, and return on investments.
  • Graphsย โ€” Like the Summary and Returns page, the Graphs section of the model is designed to help you understand and visualise your business data.

The formulas used to create this spreadsheet model include IF (conditional statements), SUMIFs, relative and absolute referencing, and IRR and DATE functions.

*the 20% discount applies to the entire order with a purchase of two or more templates.